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Strong M-flares, Filament eruption with CME

středa 12. července 2023 18:48 UTC

Strong M-flares, Filament eruption with CME

Welcome to July! A month where both our American and French friends celebrate very important holidays with lots of celebrations and fireworks! Our Sun thought it would be a good idea to join in on the celebrations as we have a new sunspot region (AR3372) announcing its presence near the north-east limb with regular M-class solar fireworks, some of these flare have even exceeded the M5 (R2-moderate) threshold like the M6,8 solar flare that took place today and peaked at 08;55 UTC.

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X1.0 solar flare from sunspot region 3354

pondělí 3. července 2023 11:46 UTC

X1.0 solar flare from sunspot region 3354

Sunspot region 3354 departs with a major X1.0 solar flare (R3-strong) yesterday at 23:14 UTC as it approaches the west limb.

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X1.1 solar flare

středa 21. června 2023 14:11 UTC

X1.1 solar flare

That was unexpected! Incoming sunspot region 3341 produced an X1.1 solar flare (R3-strong) that peaked yesterday at 17:09 UTC. It has almost been 3 months since the last time we had an X-class solar flare and we have to admit getting an X-flare was unexpected!

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M-class activity from sunspot region 3311

sobota 20. května 2023 13:07 UTC

M-class activity from sunspot region 3311

There as been a lot of M-class flare activity the past few days coming from sunspot region 3311 including an M6.4 solar flare (R2-moderate) which peaked today at 07:32 UTC and an M8.9 solar flare (strongest from this region thus far) which peaked just a couple of moments ago at 12:35 UTC. This latest solar flare is the third solar flare from this sunspot region which peaked above the M5 threshold.

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M4.2 solar flare with earth-directed CME

středa 10. května 2023 13:45 UTC

M4.2 solar flare with earth-directed CME

We have had some stormy space weather these first few days of May! Perhaps not stormy in the sense of geomagnetic storms as we only had a maximum Kp value of 6 on the 6th of May and we hit Kp5 today, yesterday and on the 8th of May. But fair enough, not too bad perhaps reflecting on it but we want to focus on the Sun right now as that is where the real action is taking place. She has been popping of with many M-class solar flares, most of which we can thank sunspot region 3296 for.

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M2.1 solar flare and a partial halo CME

pátek 5. května 2023 17:44 UTC

M2.1 solar flare and a partial halo CME

As you might have noticed... there has been a lot of M-class activity the past few days. Unfortunately the M3.9 solar flare that took place yesterday did not produce an earth-directed eruption as the halo outline was determined to come from another far side eruption. So we are going to ignore all of these solar flares except for one: the M2.1 flare that peaked at 08:01 UTC today.

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Coronal mass ejection impact

neděle 23. dubna 2023 17:16 UTC

Coronal mass ejection impact

The coronal mass ejection from the M1.7 solar flare that took place two days ago has arrived at the DSCOVR satellite. We admit... this coronal mass ejection arrived earlier than we expected!

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M1.7 solar flare, full halo CME

sobota 22. dubna 2023 12:55 UTC

M1.7 solar flare, full halo CME

An M1.7 solar flare took place yesterday peaking at 18:12 UTC. The eruption was combined with what looks like a filament eruption around sunspot region 3283 which is located near the center of the earth-facing solar disk.

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Coronal mass ejection arrival

úterý 18. dubna 2023 15:34 UTC

Coronal mass ejection arrival

A shock in the solar wind was detected today around 13:20 UTC. This could very well be the arrival of a coronal mass ejection that was launched by a filament eruption on 15 April.

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X1.2 solar flare

středa 29. března 2023 09:09 UTC

X1.2 solar flare

An impulsive solar flare peaking at the X1.2-class (R3-strong) took place today with the solar flare peaking at 02:33 UTC. Sunspot region 3256 (beta-gamma) which is close to the west limb is the source of this eruption. This region is currently located near the south-west solar limb.

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