Begin Max Eind Regio Loc Xray Op 245MHz 10cm Sweep 0518 0518 0519 140 0815 0815 0815 220 1004 1020 1038 C1.3 210 1855 1855 1855 120
10 cm 131 SSN 102 Afr/Ap 006/007 X-ray Background B5.2 Dagelijkse proton energie (flux accumulatie van de voorbije 24h) GT 1 MeV 5.1e+04 GT 10 MeV 1.1e+04 p/(cm2-ster-day) (GOES-8 satelliet synchrone baan W75 graden) Dagelijkse electronen energie GT 2 MeV 3.00e+06 e/(cm2-ster-day) (GOES-8 satelliet synchrone baan W75 graden) 3 uurlijkse K-indexen Boulder 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 Planetary 2 1 1 2 2 3 2 2
This message is for users of the NOAA/SEC Space Weather Operations sunspot region numbers. As you may have noticed, we are steadily approaching region number 10000. The plan for Space Weather operations is to go through the sequence of Region numbers as 9998, 9999, 0000, 0001, and so on. SEC's product text discussions of the active regions will ignore the leading zeroes (for example, we will say 'Region number 5' rather than Region number '0005'). However, the Geoalert product, the Region Report product, as well as the USAF and IUWDS data exchange codes will preserve the 4 digit format. The necessity of using four digits is for operational purposes only. For historical purposes all regions beyond Region 9999 will be understood to be in a series of region numbers 10000 and higher.
Alle tijden in UTC
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Zonnevlekkenloze dagen | |
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Maandelijks gemiddeld zonnevlekkengetal | |
december 2024 | 154.5 +2 |
januari 2025 | 135.4 -19.1 |
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